soco.utils module

This class contains utility functions used internally by SoCo.


Make a string unicode. Really.

Ensure in_string is returned as unicode through a series of progressively relaxed decodings.

Parameters:in_string (str) – The string to convert.
Return type:str

Encode a string with utf-8. Really.

First decode in_string via really_unicode to ensure it can successfully be encoded as utf-8. This is required since just calling encode on a string will often cause Python 2 to perform a coerced strict auto-decode as ascii first and will result in a UnicodeDecodeError being raised. After really_unicode returns a safe unicode string, encode as utf-8 and return the utf-8 encoded string.
Parameters:in_string – The string to convert.

Convert camelcase to lowercase and underscore.

Recipe from

Parameters:string (str) – The string to convert.
Returns:The converted string.
Return type:str

Return a pretty-printed version of a unicode XML string.

Useful for debugging.

Parameters:unicode_text (str) – A text representation of XML (unicode, not utf-8).
Returns:A pretty-printed version of the input.
Return type:str

Pretty print an ElementTree XML object.

Parameters:xml (ElementTree) – The ElementTree to pretty print


This is used a convenience function used during development. It is not used anywhere in the main code base.

class soco.utils.deprecated(since, alternative=None, will_be_removed_in=None, alternative_not_referable=False)[source]

A decorator for marking deprecated objects.

Used internally by SoCo to cause a warning to be issued when the object is used, and marks the object as deprecated in the Sphinx documentation.

  • since (str) – The version in which the object is deprecated.
  • alternative (str, optional) – The name of an alternative object to use
  • will_be_removed_in (str, optional) – The version in which the object is likely to be removed.
  • alternative_not_referable (bool) – (optional) Indicate that alternative cannot be used as a sphinx reference


@deprecated(since="0.7", alternative="new_function")
def old_function(args):

Escape a string value for a URL request path.

Parameters:str – The path to escape
Returns:The escaped path
Return type:str
>>> url_escape_path("Foo, bar & baz / the hackers")

Return upper cased first character


Returns True if the string contains common URI components.