Source code for soco.music_services.accounts

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Disable while we have Python 2.x compatability
# pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance,no-else-continue

"""This module contains classes relating to Third Party music services."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import logging
import weakref

import requests

from .. import discovery
from ..xml import XML

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=C0103

# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs]class Account(object): """An account for a Music Service. Each service may have more than one account: see the `Sonos release notes for version 5-2 <>`_ """ _all_accounts = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() def __init__(self): super(Account, self).__init__() #: str: A unique identifier for the music service to which this #: account relates, eg ``'2311'`` for Spotify. self.service_type = "" #: str: A unique identifier for this account self.serial_number = "" #: str: The account's nickname self.nickname = "" #: bool: `True` if this account has been deleted self.deleted = False #: str: The username used for logging into the music service self.username = "" #: str: Metadata for the account self.metadata = "" #: str: Used for OpenAuth id for some services self.oa_device_id = "" #: str: Used for OpenAuthid for some services self.key = "" def __repr__(self): return "<{} '{}:{}:{}' at {}>".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.serial_number, self.service_type, self.nickname, hex(id(self)), ) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() @staticmethod def _get_account_xml(soco): """Fetch the account data from a Sonos device. Args: soco (SoCo): a SoCo instance to query. If soco is `None`, a random device will be used. Returns: str: a byte string containing the account data xml """ # It is likely that the same information is available over UPnP as well # via a call to # systemProperties.GetStringX([('VariableName','R_SvcAccounts')])) # This returns an encrypted string, and, so far, we cannot decrypt it device = soco or discovery.any_soco() log.debug("Fetching account data from %s", device) settings_url = "http://{}:1400/status/accounts".format(device.ip_address) result = requests.get(settings_url).content log.debug("Account data: %s", result) return result
[docs] @classmethod def get_accounts(cls, soco=None): """Get all accounts known to the Sonos system. Args: soco (`SoCo`, optional): a `SoCo` instance to query. If `None`, a random instance is used. Defaults to `None`. Returns: dict: A dict containing account instances. Each key is the account's serial number, and each value is the related Account instance. Accounts which have been marked as deleted are excluded. Note: Any existing Account instance will have its attributes updated to those currently stored on the Sonos system. """ root = XML.fromstring(cls._get_account_xml(soco)) # _get_account_xml returns an ElementTree element like this: # <ZPSupportInfo type="User"> # <Accounts # LastUpdateDevice="RINCON_000XXXXXXXX400" # Version="8" NextSerialNum="5"> # <Account Type="2311" SerialNum="1"> # <UN>12345678</UN> # <MD>1</MD> # <NN></NN> # <OADevID></OADevID> # <Key></Key> # </Account> # <Account Type="41735" SerialNum="3" Deleted="1"> # <UN></UN> # <MD>1</MD> # <NN>Nickname</NN> # <OADevID></OADevID> # <Key></Key> # </Account> # ... # <Accounts /> xml_accounts = root.findall(".//Account") result = {} for xml_account in xml_accounts: serial_number = xml_account.get("SerialNum") is_deleted = xml_account.get("Deleted") == "1" # cls._all_accounts is a weakvaluedict keyed by serial number. # We use it as a database to store details of the accounts we # know about. We need to update it with info obtained from the # XML just obtained, so (1) check to see if we already have an # entry in cls._all_accounts for the account we have found in # XML; (2) if so, delete it if the XML says it has been deleted; # and (3) if not, create an entry for it if cls._all_accounts.get(serial_number): # We have an existing entry in our database. Do we need to # delete it? if is_deleted: # Yes, so delete it and move to the next XML account del cls._all_accounts[serial_number] continue else: # No, so load up its details, ready to update them account = cls._all_accounts.get(serial_number) else: # We have no existing entry for this account if is_deleted: # but it is marked as deleted, so we don't need one continue # If it is not marked as deleted, we need to create an entry account = Account() account.serial_number = serial_number cls._all_accounts[serial_number] = account # Now, update the entry in our database with the details from XML account.service_type = xml_account.get("Type") account.deleted = is_deleted account.username = xml_account.findtext("UN") # Not sure what 'MD' stands for. Metadata? May Delete? account.metadata = xml_account.findtext("MD") account.nickname = xml_account.findtext("NN") account.oa_device_id = xml_account.findtext("OADevID") account.key = xml_account.findtext("Key") result[serial_number] = account # There is always a TuneIn account, but it is handled separately # by Sonos, and does not appear in the xml account data. We # need to add it ourselves. tunein = Account() tunein.service_type = "65031" # Is this always the case? tunein.deleted = False tunein.username = "" tunein.metadata = "" tunein.nickname = "" tunein.oa_device_id = "" tunein.key = "" tunein.serial_number = "0" result["0"] = tunein return result
[docs] @classmethod def get_accounts_for_service(cls, service_type): """Get a list of accounts for a given music service. Args: service_type (str): The service_type to use. Returns: list: A list of `Account` instances. """ return [ a for a in cls.get_accounts().values() if a.service_type == service_type ]